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Ezra Neale - Community-based Natural Resource Management Specialist 

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Ezra is a landscape ecologist and community-based natural resource management specialist with over 15-years of experience advancing Natural Climate Solutions. He helps bridge the gap between resource-dependent communities and businesses and governments interested in bringing forth positive and transformational change to globally significant ecosystems. His expertise centers on developing a suite of natural climate solutions such as REDD+, forest restoration, adaptation, and marine conservation programs to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, restore watersheds, and promote the sustainable management of landscapes and seascapes throughout the global tropics.

His specialties include project assessment and scoping, proposal development, project planning, and program management combined with technical backstopping for REDD+ and reforestation projects. In addition, he is well-versed in numerous carbon standards, including the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS), The Climate Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standard, the Gold Standard, and the Plan Vivo Standard.



  • MA Geography and Natural Resources Planning

  • BSc Environmental Science



  • English, French, Spanish, and New Guinea Pidgin

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