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Feasibility Study for Bongo Reforestation Carbon Project, Ghana
Funded by Trees for All, in February 2021 Tree Aid started the Bongo Restoration Project. In partnership with local communities, this...
Pre-Feasibility Assessment for Great Green Wall Carbon Project, Burkina Faso
The Great Green Wall is an African-led movement that aims to establish a wide belt of trees, vegetation and fertile land across the...
Growing the Olympic Forest, Senegal and Mali
TLLG are supporting Tree Aid to develop a forest carbon project in the Sahel with the capacity to sequester 200,000 tCO2 equivalent over...
Pre-feasibility Assessment for Forest Carbon Project, Senegal and Mali
TLLG was contracted by Tree Aid to help them explore the feasibility of developing a Plan Vivo certified carbon project in the Sahel that...
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